there are reasons I am an ultrarunner, but they are only sometimes true...even if you can't fly, act like you can.

June 20, 2011

western states 100

Here are my predictions for this weekends race. I haven't really been following all the news about the race wrt the snow but I did hear that it is worse than last year and more course mods were required. We'll see how it all pans out in the end. The long-range forecast is for like 75deg during the day and 45deg at night. Nice conditions.

1. Kilian Jornet
2. Nick Clark
3. Geoff Roes
4. Hal Koerner
5. Jason Loutitt (injured)
5. Dave Mackey

Heal quickly Gary and Anton!!! Also sending all the best to Bryon...kick ass dude!

This is going to be a barn-burner. The top two I think can go either way. Tracy has the course experience and it is Ellie's first 100miler but her raw speed is such a gift. Would love to be there to see it.
1. Ellie Greenwood
2. Tracy Garneau
3. Kami Semick
4. Rory Bosio
5. Nikki Kimball

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